Four Hundred

Your new ISO 400 film. High-speed, fine grain and cinematic color balance.

Brand new!

C41 Color Negative

Develop this film anywhere where there is a film lab that processes color!

36 Exposures

And sometimes even 39!
Enjoy that feeling of extra pictures
in every roll!


Upcycling the chasis allow us to reduce the carbon footprint of the roll!


Get yours from 16 €

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Our first baby is 1Hundred Film!

Check out the features and some shooting advices.

Q & A

  • For many reasons! As seasoned film shooters, we can’t help to miss the days when the film was available and affordable pretty much anywhere.

    We had the chance to create something new and so we did!

  • Ah well… we actually thought, let’s go back to basics, a film that anyone would understand and that when you shot it feels like you are πŸ’―

  • 1Hundred: Yes & No! Messed up right? To be honest no, we are re-spooling the fresh film into already shot film therefore the DX code on those chassis are all over the place. So we decided to cover it up.

    Fun Fact: when there is not DX code found by the camera, it automatically sets the ISO at 100! Magic ✨

    4Hundred: No guesswork here. If your camera has a DX code reader, it automatically detects the film’s ISO and adjusts for perfect exposure. Just load it up, start shooting, and let the film take care of the rest effortless and ready to go.

  • First things first, you need light!
    This film loves sun & sunshine. We feel it’s a perfect summer film for bold colours and bright tones.

    Also, in our experience, we highly recommend having this film scanned under a Fuji Frontier SP3000 scanner. No idea what that jibberish means? Just ask your lab, and they should take care of that for you ;)

  • At the moment, we are still moving the stock around shops, we thought the harder part was to make the film, but distribution is no joke! Nevertheless, there are a few online stores where you can find it, and if you are interested in purchasing +5 units, just let us know at!

  • Not at all! This is a legit film! The emulsion is made in North America, and all the re-spooling is being done locally in Spain by our workshop maestros!

    The only made in China there is our lovely packing tubes since they were the only ones able to do it :) (great professionals, btw!) πŸ˜…

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